When using the cloud hosting pack, you could have an unlimited variety of sites within just a single hosting account. Enjoy unlimited disk space and traffic quotas. Make an unrestricted count of emails as well as MySQL databases. You have everything you need so as to manage a wide range of sites simultaneously.
Enterprise Package
Enterprise hosting at
$15.83/mo.Evaluate our web hosting services with a 30-day completely free trial. No credit card information needed.
Solid–State Drives
Momentarily improve the speed of your web site
If you want to give your site a top performance boost, all you have to do is simply to host it with us. Our cloud website hosting servers feature solid–state disks, so on every single server you will take advantage of incomparable read and write speeds, which will make your web site amazingly fast.
Thanks to the superb connectivity offered by each of our cloud web hosting Data Center Facilities, your site will start to open much faster without the need for any additional modifications from you.
A secure and safe web app firewall program
Defend all your web apps (Wordpress, Joomla™, PrestaShop, etc.) against hack assaults using ModSecurity. ModSecurity is a firewall software built to guard web apps against hacker assaults. We have configured the firewall software in such a way as to hinder all known website assaults momentarily. By default, ModSecurity is activated for all domain names, but you may disable it for any website you would like.
Enhanced Service Stability and Security
Don’t be worried about your web sites hosted on our cloud platform
We’ve developed our own cloud website hosting platform where performance reliability is a principal concern. Considering that the server load is uniformly spread between a couple of web hosting servers, your sites will continue to load astonishingly quick even in the event of the web hosting server is under stress. This also suggests that the hosting platform is far less prone to hacker or DDoS attacks.
Multiple Data Centers
Always offer the fastest web site loading speeds for all your web site visitors
The datacenter facility location is directly related to your website’s load speed, therefore, by choosing a data center that is closest to your clients, you’ll warrant the smoothest online experience for them. We offer you a choice of datacenters on several continents – Steadfast in Chicago, U.S.A.; Pulsant in Maidenhead, United Kingdom, Ficolo in Pori, Finland, Telepoint in Sofia, Bulgaria and Amaze in Sydney, Australia. Each of them offers a dependable and protected cloud website hosting environment with a round–the–clock server monitoring service and a 99.9% server uptime guarantee.
Remote MySQL Access
Remotely connect to your database
Generally, a MySQL database can only be accessed by web sites that are hosted in the same hosting account as the database. But with our time and effort saving Remote MySQL feature, you can enable database access to any other hostname. This can be very helpful in case you possess different e–shops and wish to share a client database across each one of them.
99.9% Server Uptime Guarantee
A 99.9% server uptime in the US, in the European Union and in Australia
Keeping your sites accessible online twenty–four–seven is our principal priority. We have built our own cloud website hosting platform whereby the server load is being distributed evenly between a couple of physical machines to ensure that your sites will continue to be reachable online even when a certain physical server is overloaded. Our ninety–nine point nine percent uptime warranty is valid for all data center facilities that we partner with – in the USA, in Europe and in Australia.
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Service guarantees
- Our packages include absolutely no set up rates in addition to a 30–day refund guarantee. Your Home PC Tech’s regular reply time is twenty mins.
Compare our prices
- Look at our rates and pick the ideal web hosting solution for your individual or company web sites. You’ll be able to transition to a more advanced package with simply a click.
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Contact Us
- We are online for you in business hours to answer just about any requests concerning Your Home PC Tech’s cloud hosting platform.